Friday, August 17, 2007

Dirty Tricks

Dirty Tricks
I went on a retreat at a monastery up by Watertown, and one of the Brothers told me this thing he had done...I thought it terrific!!
One of the brothers told Bro Lawrence, that he didn't understand the talk he hears about bedbugs, that he had never seen a bedbug nor heard of anyone that he knew that ever had them....the perfect set up!!
Brother Lawrence took a large envelope sealed it shut and wrote on the face..Here's a bedbug for you to look at! but he had pinched off a corner of the envelope, so it looked like it had been chewed through, and laid it on his bed!
The guy went nuts when he opened the envelope, and no bedbug..and the corner chewed through!! He tore his bed completely apart hunting for the damn thing, and didn't sleep too good, thinking he was going to be bitten.
When he complained to Bro. Lawrence the next day, he fessed up and told him it was just a trick!

Joe Mcgeeny hired a guy to come and dig a well at Farmingdale, and he told him that his wife was really hard of hearing, and that he would have to shout to be understood by her. He had also told his wife that this guy was coming, and that he was very deaf and she would have to shout to make herself understood!
The old boy worked all morning at the digging, and about noon Helen went out and shouted, "Would you like something to eat?" "Yes he shouted back, I'm really hungry"
Over the dinner table they shouted at one another for quite some time, before the guy shouted to Helen, "How long have you been deaf?" stunned she said, "I'm not deaf! then shouted, "How long have you been deaf?" He replied, I'm not deaf either, but Joe said.......

Psalm 116:1 I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice

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